Listen. Learn. Feel. Act. Repeat. On Doing the Sacred Work of Becoming Anti-Racist
BIPOC = Black, Indigenous and People of Color
“The aim of this work is not self-loathing. The aim of this work is the truth. Seeing it. Owning it. And figuring out what to do with it. This is life long work….there are always deeper layers.” ~ Layla F. Saad (author of Me and White Supremacy…whatever you do, )
My intention today is to provide you with some resources and invitations to support our collective awakening and dismantling of racism.
~ For women of color: How is your nervous system doing? Liberate Meditation App is an app recommended by BIPOC sisters that can support you in reducing anxiety, stress and getting better sleep during these intense times.
~ For white women: A common experience for many of us as white-bodied women is to feel paralyzed and overwhelmed by guilt and shame. When we are in “guilt/shame land”, our nervous system is dys-regulated (stuck in fight, flight or freeze). This primitive response keeps our brain stuck in a rut and keeps us from accessing our higher-self; she who lives in our prefrontal cortex and can approach life from a resourced, courageous place. We really need Her right now in order to be be able to engage wholeheartedly in the sacred work of becoming an anti-racist. Psychotherapist and Highly Sensitive expert April Snow recommends taking time to:
~ process and reflect
~ feel your feelings
~ take breaks
~ set boundaries
~ ground and regulate
~ keep it (your activism) sustainable
~ give yourself permission to make mistakes.
Click here to read April's entire article “How to be an Activist as a Sensitive Person” and if you identify as a highly sensitive/empathic person, find a form of activism that honors your system. This is the work of reclaiming our full humanity and with the right tools, resources and education, we can do this.
Along these lines, let's keep in mind that we all have different strengths and roles in our society. Below is a chart by Deepa Iyer. In her words, “Every role is necessary in the ecosystem. Meaning we depend on one another to make it through. How we are with one another determines our gains, losses, opportunities, threats and dangers. We win together.” So wether you are a first responder, an experimenter or a healer, Identify your role and commit to tending to it from here on. Every. Single. Day.
South and North American Indigenous brothers and sisters in need
Another very relevant topic that we need to be talking about is the impact of the pandemic on the indigenous populations around the world. TreeSisters hosted a harrowing and incredibly informative call on the matter. Click here to listen to it and learn about the different ways in which you can directly support the groups named on the call.
Listen. Learn. Feel. Act. Repeat
Here are some anti-racist guides shared by Goddess Rising Mystery School. Read them and share them. Buy the books and support the BIPOC's causes.
Anti-Racist guide for Beginners and White People