Your menstrual cycle as ally and sacred guide
You are a different woman every week of your month. Nearly 10 years ago, I signed up for an online menstrual empowerment course (almost purely by chance), where the coach leading the course shared these words. I sat with this statement. I took it for a walk. I made art. I mulled it over in my mind, my body and in my spirit. And the truth of those words were revealed to me as I felt the resonance within my body. This became an “aha moment,” and opened me up to a whole new way of relating with and understanding the wisdom of my body. With time, I came to feel that my emotional wellbeing was deeply tied to my willingness to honor and live accordingly to the phases of my cycle.
A woman’s cycle lasts approximately 4 weeks, which I refer to as her four inner seasons. Just like the seasons of the earth, our bodies cycle through the seasons of winter, spring, summer and fall each month. Our inner winter is the first season. It begins with the first day of our moon-time (menstruation). Our hormones are at the lowest and there’s a natural impulse to slow down, retreat and go within (shhhhh, it’s snowing). Our blood is literally cleansing our body by releasing toxins so it’s a potent time to let go of emotional patterns and ways that no longer serve us. Allowing ourselves to rest and replenish supports the new cycle to come.
Then comes the inner spring! A time of renewal, creative potential and sensual delight (inspired She rises). The hormone estradiol (an estrogen) increases and with it, our energy levels significantly rise, generating a sense of ease and playful delight. Our inner spring is an optimal time to connect with what feels good and ride the waves of inspiration by dedicating focused time to projects, learning, reading and researching. Also, our body feels strong so a physical challenge or a dance class will probably feel wonderful.
Week three, our inner summer, is all about abundance and outward expression. Our cup is overflowing with energy as we ovulate. Our libido is strong and it feels good to be in our wild feminine body (pleasure, pleasure, pleasure!). This fertile energy often inspires us to connect with others (think hosting, nurturing relationships, volunteering and making lots of delicious love with your partner). This is the time when I write my monthly newsletter and participate in social media. Also, research shows that it’s a great time to manifest your dreams by asking for what you want so…go for it!
After such a yummy expansion…comes the inevitable contraction of our inner fall. A lot is going on hormonally (particularly with our progesterone levels) and our energy drops. Many of us feel overwhelmed by the demands of the world and long to retreat. I, along with many other practitioners, believe the famous PMS is the result of a world that does not support a lifestyle that includes giving our bodies a break. As a result, extreme irritability and chronic fatigue take over our lives and it sucks. Disowning our needs comes at a very high cost. The good news, however, is that when we slow down and connect within, we can channel this intensity into creative insights, poetry and strategic ideas. We can also see things more clearly (as in seeing through the bullshit patterns and stories that don’t serve us or the world). So think badass priestess honoring her deepest truths and living from that discerning and empowered place.
I love my cycles and plan my life accordingly. This means that I give myself a full day of rest the first day I bleed and don’t overcommit during this time. I make sure I spend time in nature and dance my booty off in my inner spring and make food and herbal potions for friends during my ovulation week. And I’ve learned to love my inner fall. It’s my witchy, let’s create magic kind of time. I understand that not everyone has the freedom of a flexible schedule, but we each can find our own unique ways to honor our seasons. I hope you feel inspired to get curious about your inner seasons and how living in tune with them can support a life of deep connection with yourself and the world.
In joyful service,
Karina María