Rising after giving birth ~ The medicine of Goddess and sisterhood
``This is what love feels like”. I must have said those words a million times in the dozens of hours that we waited for her to come. And in the tender days that followed.
I rise. Out of the fertile, mysterious cave of growing and birthing life.
I had no idea. No idea of what would be asked of me.
Holy cow! As in mother, as in sacred, as in nurturing Goddess that sustains, challenges and loves us through it all.
I rise, feeling closer to Goddess than ever before. Gracias madrecita. For being there and loving us in every breath. María, Durga, Mama Jaguar, Isis, Crone and of course Inanna…I lay rose petals at your feet.
In the kind eyes of my doula telling me “you’ve got this” as I lay on the floor, exhausted after three days of labor. In my wild roar as I pushed her out into this world. In the long days that baby struggled to feed and experts couldn’t give us answers.
“This is what love feels like”, my ongoing mantra from the first contraction. My prayer and my offering that I returned to thousands of times.
And the treasure unearthed? My daughter. My sweet, fiery Alma Lucía. God is she wonderful.
I rise humbled, sleep deprived and tender. More devoted than ever before to being a feminine criatura in service of saying YES to life’s initiations.
So here’s to the darkness and the mystery. To “being done” in the name of love and to our fierce capacity to conceive, grow and birth miracles.
Throughout this time, the web of sisterhood, both archetypal and human has sustained me. If you long for deep sisterhood, I invite you to join the waitlist for our Wild Nourishment program or come take your seat at our Women’s Temple.